Tag: Federal Lawmaking

HCR: Dumas Spells Out AR Benefits

A funny thing happened on the way to the ultimate destruction of Arkansas that Timmy! Griffin, et al., predicted from the health care reform bill: some people actually took the time to explore just how Arkansas will benefit. Maybe only…

Econ 101: Raising Keynes

National Democrats have started trying to make political hay out John Boehner’s recent silliness. Democrats are attacking House Minority Leader John Boehner for his comments to a Pittsburgh paper about how America is in “revolt” similar to 1776 and Wall…

AR-Sen: Oh, Come On. Seriously?

Senator Blanche Lincoln gave her reaction to President Obama’s national address regarding the BP oil spill. And, lest ye be worried that she no longer thinks voters are complete morons who will buy anything she says, she made sure to…