Tag: Glenn Beck

Up Next On BHR TVLand!

Just sit right back, and you’ll hear a tale A tale of some rightward twits Who threw a party serving tea Aboard a flound’ring ship The mate was a vocal Birtherman The skipper a greedy rube If the passengers should…

AR-GOP: Denny Altes as Vezzini

Let’s ponder something together.  C’mon, it’ll be fun.  (Note: Author makes no guarantee as to fun of the following exercise.) OK, first, Dictionary.com defines “conservative” as: con·serv·a·tive /kənˈsɜrvətɪv/ [kuhn-sur-vuh-tiv] –adjective 1.disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore…

GOP: And So It Begins…

All aboard the Crazy Train! Next stop: ScienceFailAdelphia! Fresh off a dramatic victory in which it retook the House leadership, the Republican Party intends to hold major hearings probing the supposed “scientific fraud” behind global climate change. [***] Holding hearings…

Random Questions

All of the Tea Party types are talking about less government, which I can only assume means cutting entitlements.  Most every Republican I’ve heard talks about less spending AND cutting taxes at the same time.  So, two-part question: 1. Are…