I have absolutely no idea how I failed to mention this last week, but the latest Daily Kos / Research 2000 poll has Blanche Lincoln leading Bill Halter 45% to 33%, with 6% for D.C. Morrison and 16% still undecided…
Tag: HCR
AR-01: Debate Wrap-Up
Saturday’s “so-called debate” between Democratic candidates for AR-01 did not offer much in the way of differentiation between the candidates according to The Baxter Bulletin. I guess the author of the article was hoping one of the candidates would wear…
AR Dept. of Health receives $400K grant
Senators Lincoln and Pryor and Congressmen Ross, Snyder, and Berry issued a joint announcement yesterday that the Arkansas Department of Health will receive a $400K grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to expand its capacity to…