Tag: Mike Beebe (D)

Mid-Day Miscellany

“Well, if it was a link-dump, I wouldn’t ask questions; I’d just quote a price. But then, a link-dump is a non-lethal object, isn’t it?” Content partner Roby Brock reports that opinions are pretty varied on two specific tax cuts…

End of Week Miscellany

“I thought you had the day off yesterday.” “I did!  I went in to pick up my check, came home, my supervisor called me about four o’clock.  Told me he got me on tape, doing a link dump.” King of…

AR-Gov: Putting Beebe's Win In Context

Sitting here, just over two weeks after the general election, I am still somewhat amazed by Governor Mike Beebe’s performance at the polls.  Check out this list: 1976: David Pryor, 83.2%, 1978: Bill Clinton, 63.36% 1980: Frank D. White, 51.93%…

#ARPostMortem: Marginalized

A quick lunchtime peek around the margins of defeat (or victory, depending on your perspective) in the federal races and AR-Gov.  All numbers are from votenaturally.org, and all numbers are subject to slight changes unless otherwise noted. AR-Sen: John Boozman…

#ARElections: Live Updates

My plan is to begin updating statewide and AR federal races (as well as some state house/senate races as time allows) as soon as the polls close and results start rolling in.  So, you know, refresh often and whatnot. (And,…