Tag: Tea Party

The Wimpiest Generation

In 1998, Tom Brokaw wrote the book The Greatest Generation, telling the story of those who grew up during The Great Depression, fought through WWII, and helped re-build the country in the process.  These were extraordinarily tough people, working first…

Up Next On BHR TVLand!

Just sit right back, and you’ll hear a tale A tale of some rightward twits Who threw a party serving tea Aboard a flound’ring ship The mate was a vocal Birtherman The skipper a greedy rube If the passengers should…

Opposition to HB 1013 Rife With Ignorance

Rep. Jim Nickels’ proposed HB 1013, which would allow the Contractor’s Licensing Board to impose sanctions on any contractor who, following proper notice and a hearing, “is found by the Contractors Licensing Board to knowingly employ workers without legal authorization…