Tag: Tea Party

GOP: And So It Begins…

All aboard the Crazy Train! Next stop: ScienceFailAdelphia! Fresh off a dramatic victory in which it retook the House leadership, the Republican Party intends to hold major hearings probing the supposed “scientific fraud” behind global climate change. [***] Holding hearings…

Random Questions

All of the Tea Party types are talking about less government, which I can only assume means cutting entitlements.  Most every Republican I’ve heard talks about less spending AND cutting taxes at the same time.  So, two-part question: 1. Are…

GOP: Not Willing To Compromise

In case you were worried that post-partisan politics might be on the horizon, don’t be. GOP says compromise not on the agenda if they retake the House. “Look, there will be no compromise on stopping runaway spending, deficits and debt.…

AR-04: Let's Get Nit-Picky

So, watching AR-04 Republican candidate Beth Anne Rankin’s recent assault on your eyes and brain commercial somehow led to my watching her previous commercial again.  You know, the one where she discusses Nash Equilibrium as applied to campaigning by determining…

Econ 101: Austerity Has Unicorns

It’s not my intention to turn this blog into all-econ, all the time.  But, maybe, if we repeat it enough, this message will get through to the amazing number of Arkansans who don’t get it, especially those in office or…