Rep. Jim Nickels’ proposed HB 1013, which would allow the Contractor’s Licensing Board to impose sanctions on any contractor who, following proper notice and a hearing, “is found by the Contractors Licensing Board to knowingly employ workers without legal authorization…
Author: bhr_iat2rz
2011 Legislative Preview: HB 1049
See here for previous posts in this series. Bill Name: AN ACT TO IMPROVE THE SAFETY OF HIGHWAYS AND ROADS BY PROHIBITING WIRELESS TELEPHONE USE IN SCHOOL ZONES Sponsor: Fred Allen (D-33), 501-225-4979, Purpose: To prohibit any “Wireless interactive…
BHR's Response to Paul Ryan's Response to the SOTU address
Prior to tonight’s SOTU address, content partner and general instigator Roby Brock challenged me and Jason Tolbert. I was to find three positive things about Rep. Paul Ryan’s response, and Tolbert was to find three positives about President Obama’s speech.…
End-of-Day Miscellany
Random bits of jetsom and flotsam from the wreckage of the Good Ship HB 1053: Jason Tolbert has video of a post-failure David Meeks discussing what happened. Between the obvious dry mouth and the stammering, one almost loses the message,…
Learning Language With David Meeks
Irony (i·ro·ny), –noun 1. the humorous or mildly sarcastic use of words to imply the opposite of what they normally mean 2. an instance of this, used to draw attention to some incongruity or irrationality 3. incongruity between what is…
Rep. Mayberry To Propose Unconstitutional & Hypocritical Law?
As first noted by Jason Tolbert, Rep. Andy Mayberry (R-27) plans to propose a law, the “Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act,” which would ban all abortions after 20 weeks’ gestation based on certain scientific studies suggesting that this is…
2011 Legislative Preview: HB 1025
Programming note: Given the number of bills being filed, the amount of time I actually have to do reviews of such things, and the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow, it’s pretty clear that I won’t be able to get…
Adventures in Idiocy: Worst Letters to the Editor from the Holiday Weekend (Pt. 4 of 4)
Singing baritone for our D-G-weekend-letter quartet is this missive from Julia Randle of Jacksonville, AR. Everything that had lips had something to say about Michael Vick. Which you would all know if you were tuned in to the random opinions…
Adventures in Idiocy: Worst Letters to the Editor from the Holiday Weekend (Pt. 3 of 4)
So…uh…Sunday’s paper? There weren’t actually any terrible letters to the editor. I know! Seriously, I’m as shocked as you are. In place of a Sunday letter, I’ll just link to the November 11, 2010, Adventures in Idiocy that I wrote.
Adventures in Sanity: BEST Letter to the Editor from the Holiday Weekend (Pt. 2 of 4)
While, technically, there had to be a “worst” letter to the editor from Saturday’s Democrat-Gazette, none was especially egregious. So, rather than force things, I decided to give equal time to the bright spots in an otherwise dismal paper. With…