A run-down of the specific violations that the Ethics investigator found probable cause for against Mark Darr. Complete with totals and details and other fun stuff.
Category: Ethics
12/6/13 Gallimaufry: Snow-Day Edition (UPDATED: 12/7/13)
Legislative Audit’s Report on Mark Darr, Mark Martin’s FOIA hearing, Mark Darr’s Ethics hearing, and Chad Niell’s huge waste of money. Good times!
The Comedic Stylings Of Mark Darr
While it’s hard to compete with the kind of comic genius that considers “blogger” a punchline, we do our best to provide the Lt. Gov. with some better material.
11/12/13 Gallimaufry
If this blog were a goldfish, it would have died from neglect days ago. That’s poor hustle on my part. But enough about that — let’s pretend like we haven’t missed a beat and go straight to the odds and…
Kelly's Zeroes: Staying Busy At Taxpayer Expense
Prior to Mark Martin’s (regrettably) taking office in 2011, Augustine John Kelly–known to most as AJ–worked in part as the city attorney for Fairfield Bay, Arkansas, earning $48, 746.00 from the resort town in 2010 alone. In 2011, he took…
Not So Puzzling: A Predictable, Ongoing Failure to Follow the AFOIA
Let’s play a game. It works like this: I’ll share part of an email that I received earlier today from a reader named Brian, but I’ll remove the office that he’s referring to, and we’ll see how many of you…
A Highly Ironic Email, Courtesy of Mark Martin's Office
The Secretary of State’s Office accidentally released an email that shows an employee engaging in political activity from his state computer on state time.
I know! The irony is fantastic! But the whole thing gets even better when you dig a little, as these things often do.
SD-21: Chad Neill Fined $21K For Doing Business Without License
The Arkansas Securities Department, apparently unpersuaded by the inane and meritless arguments of supporters of Chad Niell, has fined the State Senate candidate $21,000.00 for engaging in money-transfer services for three years without a license. Here is the consent order.…
SD-21: Chad Niell Makes A Statement, Says Nothing
Chad Niell’s campaign manager said the previous post was full of errors. Spoiler: It wasn’t. But Niell’s statement about it was.
SD-21: Chad Niell & The Paper(work) Tiger
One of the Republican candidates for the seat vacated by Paul Bookout, Chad Niell, is the President of Tiger Commissary Services, Inc., d/b/a Tiger Correctional Services. Since the late 1990s, Tiger has provided an increasingly broad range of services to the…